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The latest designer video on the Caribbean 'Eggs and Ham' plant has dropped!

In the latest Designer Video, Stitch of Paradise showcase their released tropical kit on a native flowering shrub found in the Caribbean. Marissa is self taught and has been cross stitching since the age of 14.

The plant is very attractive due to its flowers and used decoratively. Some with a herby fragrance to their leaves sometimes confused with oregano or marjoram.

Did you know?

I have never heard of Lantana Camara plant until I started researching native flowers and plants in the Caribbean. It so beauty is tranquiliant that even the majestic hummingbirds and doctor birds are attracted to the flowering part of the shrub.

Lantana varieties are also known as ham and eggs plants because of the vibrant pink-red and yellow-orange colors of its flowers which attract bees, butterflies, and children.

Earth Day: 27th April 2022

Botanica calls lantana the "Jekyll and Hyde of plants" because it's reviled in warmer, wetter parts of world, where it invades pastures and forests and is poisonous to stock, but in cool, temperate parts of the world it forms quite an attractive shrub.


  • Lantana species are widely cultivated for their flowers in tropical and subtropical environments and (as an annual plant) in temperate climates.

  • Although lantanas are generally hardy and, being somewhat toxic, usually rejected by herbivores, they may still become infested with pests.

  • The edibility of Lantana berries is contested. Some experts claim Lantana berries are edible when ripe though like many fruit are mildly poisonous if eaten while still green. Other experts claim that experimental research indicates that both unripe and ripe Lantana berries are potentially lethal, despite claims by others that ripe berries are not poisonous.

  • Extracts of Lantana camara may be used for protection of cabbage against the aphid Lipaphis erysimi.

  • The Soliga, Korava and Palliyar tribal people of the MM Hills in southern Karnataka, India use lantana to produce roughly 50 different products. It is considered a "near match" to highly priced alternatives, cane and bamboo. Furniture made from lantana is resistant to sun, rain, and termite damage.

"Cross over the Sea, and Stitch through my eyes to Paradise"

Stitch of Paradise created this large exquisite design piece on the lantana camara also known as the West Indian Lantana. Lantana come in varies petal colours that not only the kit reflects this but even the different fabric you can purchase along with the chart and threads too. Brightening up any home! For more details and various colours available to buy click here.


Cross stitching and designing for several years has helped Stitch of Paradise grow and evolve as time goes on. Due to Marissa's passion with cross stich and links to her ancestry makes the company even more fruitful.



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